Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lost- 100th Episode: April 29

Wow. The 100th episode and it was awesome. Here is a list of some of the stuff we learned last night.

-Daniel’s mom knew his mind was meant for science and that he had a gift at a very young age

-Something happened with Daniel’s mind, he was forgetting a lot. Charles Whitmore came and gave him a chance to get his mind and memory back by going to the island

-Daniel Faraday was shot by his mother, Eloise Hawkings. The episode ended by us thinking he is dead.

-Eloise Hawkings knew she was sending her son back to the island to get killed.

-Kate, Jack, and Daniel went back to the Hostiles territory so Daniel could talk to his mom in 1977; hence Eloise Hawking was on the island

-Charles Whitmore is Daniel’s dad. (Eloise and Charles were old friends on the island)

-Daniel Faraday told Dr. Chang that he needed to evacuate every man, woman, and child on the island

-He also told Dr. Chang that he was from the future, and that Myles was his son.

-Dr. Chang didn’t believe Daniel, but maybe will next episode?

-Electromagnetic activity was unleashed in the Orchard station, killing a man.

-Daniel told Dr. Chang that this electromagnetic activity is going to be 30,000 times more powerful at the Swan station in 6 hours

-Daniel suggests to Kate and Jack that everyone has to leave the island, and someone has to leash an atomic bomb to stop everything from happening

-This electromagnetic activity at the Swan station will be the cause for everything that happens: Oceanic flight 815 crashing because Desmend didn’t push the 108-minute button, etc. etc.

-The Swan station is where the hatch was, and where the giant electromagnetic force is… causing the hatch to be there in the future

-Myles choose not to go with the others to see the hostiles… maybe he will listen to Daniel and convince his father that they are indeed from the future

-Daniel saw Charlotte as a young girl on the island again, and reminded her to leave the island and never come back

-Desmend is alive!

-Charles Whitmore and Eloise Hawkings are happy that Desmend is alive, and there is a reason for this.

-Eloise Hawkings told Penelope that she has no idea what’s going to happen next

-Sawyer called Kate ‘freckles’, Juliet noticed.


-Was it the Oceanic 6’s destiny to come back to the island?

-Was Louise Hawkings wrong about their destiny?

-What does Destiny really mean?

-What is going to happen to Le Fleur/Sawyer?

-What’s going to happen to Juliet, Hurley, Jin, etc…?

-Who is Penelope’s mom?

-What is Desmend’s purpose?

-Where is Locke, Sun, Ben, etc.?

-If they do stop the electromagnetic field, what is going to happen to the passengers that were aboard Ocean flight 815?

-Where is Christian Shepard during all of this?

-I, personally, still want to know if Claire is still alive- thoughts?


-Eloise Hawkings sent her son Daniel back to the island because of his journal. His journal and the information in the journal needed to be on the Island.

-Daniel Faraday was born on the island

Monday, April 27, 2009


Entourage is one of the best shows on television. The characters are so intriguing and capture your heart. The writers know exactly how to entertain and make the show work. The direction is absolutely profound. I love the way the shots are in one continuous motion. You feel as if you know the characters and are there with them through the adventures. Every episode is amazing and has a special feel. This show makes me so happy. I could watch any episode every day of the week.

My TV Show

I have created my dream television show... with a little help from Allison.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lost- April 15

A lot happened last night on Lost, let’s take a look.

-Miles could hear dead people since he was a child. His mother died and he never met his father.

-Miles father is Dr. Chang

-In 1977 Dr. Chang’s son was 3 months old, at the end of the episode Miles saw his father holding himself.

-Miles got invited into the Circle of Trust, and brought a dead man to his father Dr. Chang at the Orchard Station building grounds.

-Hurley went to the Orchard station with Miles. Dr. Chang then went in the car with both of them to a different hidden area.

-Hurley noticed the door hatch in a builder’s hand. He over hears the workmen putting the serial numbers on the hatch: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

-Hurley suggested that the hatch is what caused his plane to crash.

-We see the hatch being built, as it is hidden behind greens and the forest.

-Roger is curious about Kate’s obsession with his son Ben.

-Roger is upset that his son is gone and wants to know what happened.

-Phil went to Le Fleur’s house to let him know that he found the security tape of someone taking Ben to the Others… which was him.

-Sawyer knocks Phil out in order to protect his story of taking Ben to the Others.

-Naomi was Miles recruiter to the island.

-Graham picked up Miles in the past, and told him not to go on the boat and work with Whitmore. He suggests that if he goes he will be working for the wrong team.

-Graham tells Miles that if he goes with them he will figure out who is he and they will tell him about his father. Miles turns it down and says he only cares about money.

-Graham asks Miles, “Do you know what lies in the shadow of a statue”? Then suggests that since he doesn’t know, then he isn’t ready to go to the island.

-Hurley is writing the sequel to Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. And plans to mail an improved copy to George Lucas,

-Jack warns Juliet and Sawyer that Roger is curious about Kate.

-Miles goes to the submarine with Dr. Chang and DAN LAPITAS comes out! Dan says hello to Miles and says, “long time no see”.


-How did Miles see himself as a 3-month year old baby?

-Will Mr. Chang figure out that Miles is his son?

-Who is the body that Miles delivered to Dr. Chang?

-What was the tooth cap of the body that Miles figured out from talking to the dead body?

-Did the electro magnetic field tear the cavity out of the corps?

-What are the reasons for Dr. Chang to be making the Hatch and the Orchard Station?

-Where has Dan been the past 3 years, since Charlotte died?

-Is Roger going to turn Kate in?

-Is Sawyer aka Le Fleur going to get caught?

-Who is really in the Circle of Trust?

-Who is Graham and the other people in the van that warned Miles about Charles Whitmore?

-Where is Claire?

-How did Ethan become an Other? (From last week’s episode)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Comparing Lost and 24

As of right now Lost and 24 are my two favorite television shows, yet they are so different. I have come to realize that one of the reasons why I love 24 so much is the structure of the show. I really appreciate how 24 is so structured. They film the whole series before they air the first episode to make sure that it is aired continuously without missing a Monday night. Each episode is an hour of real time which guarantees accuracy and precision.

Lost has a completely different structure which lets them do basically whatever they want. At any point the writers can add in whatever missing pieces to the story they want. There are no limits. All of a sudden time can just go back to 1977 and no one will really question it. Characters can just disappear and people won't even remember. Yet hopefully soon these questions will be answered.

The Sopranos

The Sopranos is one of the best television series of all times. The show filmed for over 10 years creating 86 hour long episodes. David Chase is the amazing creator, writer, and producer of the show, basing most of the characters on real people.

I did not follow the series from the beginning, which started in 1999, but just recently I started from the beginning and watched all 6 seasons of this amazing show.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lost- February 25

Wow, intense episode and so much happened, I’ll do my best to recap everything:

-Widmore came to see Locke in the hospital in Tunisia. He told him that they met when Widmore was 17 years old

-Widmore knows the exit of the island, and that’s how he found Locke

-Widmore was the leader of the island for 3 decades, and protected it until he was exiled by Ben

-Widmore told Locke that he needs to go back to the island with all of his friends. And that he will help in any way possible

-Widmore suggested that a wall was coming. He told Locke that the wrong side is going to win if he doesn’t go back

-Mathew Abigot is the African American man that works for Whitmore and who is taking Locke around to the Oceanic 6.
-We have seen him before on the island and in Hurley’s mental institution posing as an Oceanic Airlines employee
-He gets killed by Ben

-Locke went to see:
-Sayid in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
-Walt in New York
-Hurley in Santa Rosa, Las Angeles
-Kate in Las Angeles
-Helen’s grave site in Santa Monica

-Jack just happened to be Locke’s doctor after the car accident that Ben initially started by killing Matthew Abigot

-Walt has been having dreams about Locke. He hasn’t seen his dad in three years.

-Jack is the only person that Locke needs to convince in order to get them all back on the island

-Hurley tells Locke that Mathew is evil

-Mathew tells Locke that he was the orderly in the hospital who encouraged him to go on the walk about, which got him on the island in the first place

-Locke’s ex-fiancĂ© was killed by a brain aneurysm on 4.8.06.

-Locke tells Jack that his dad is on the island. Wow.

-Once Locke thinks that no one will go back to the island, he writes Jack the note that says, “I wish you believed” and then attempts to kill himself

-Ben interrupts Locke’s suicide and convinces Locke not to kill himself because there was still so much work to be done, but….

-Ben kills Locke after finding out that Jin is still alive on the island, and that Locke knows about Eloise Hawking

-Locke is alive on the island and he finds out that his friends are there too

-Locke realizes that Ben killed him.


-Who is the one to trust… Ben or Widmore?

-Why did Ben kill Locke? Does he want him dead forever?

-Who does Locke believe now? Does he hate Ben?

-Was Claire a passenger injured on the plane crash?

-Would Helen of died if it weren’t for Locke?

-Why did Sun and the pilot run off with the canoe?

-Was Locke killing himself out of desperation or a thought of coming back to life on the island?